The year 2020 marked the 70th anniversary of the Lower Tule River Irrigation District and the year 2023 marked the 65th anniversary of the Pixley Irrigation District. No one can truly say that we have not been founded and molded by generations of families and farms. The different generations saw changing times and events, but in one way or another are all responsible for the success of our districts.
The founding fathers of the districts will recount landowner meetings where the merits of an irrigation district were literally cussed and discussed. Once the districts were formed, the work began to construct a water system that remains today. Throughout the years, the different generations fought to protect their water supply, all the while enhancing the districts and a way of life.
These events carry with them stories, handed down for generations, all of which have a historical basis.
Eric Limas, General Manager
Mike Battles, Assistant Manager
John Michael Domondon, District Engineer
Allison Tristao, Resource Coordinator
Kirk Masters, Water Resources Superintendent
Jack Lopez , Field Superintendent (LTRID)
Jason Nagel, Field Superintendent (Pixley)
Tyler Mendes, Safety Coordinator
Mark Greenall, Controller
Beth Grote-Lewis, Accounting Assistant / Assessor / Collector
April Gonzalez, Accounting Assistant
Nancy Soto, Engineering Tech
Henry Sanchez, Engineering Tech
Cinthia Canales, Administrative Assistant
Jenevieve Hernandez, Secretary / Receptionist
District Staff 2023
Eric Limas, General Manager | Mike Battles, Assistant Manager
Office Staff: Cinthia Canales, Administrative Assistant | Karina Orozco, Secretary / Receptionist | Mark Greenall, Controller | Beth Grote-Lewis, Accounting Assistant / Assessor / Collector | April Gonzalez, Accounting Assistant
Water Dept.: John-Michael Domondon, District Engineer | Nancy Soto, Engineering Technician | Kirk Masters, Water Resources Superintendent | Matt Schott, Engineering Technician | Henry Sanchez, Engineering Technician
- Lower Tule River Irrigation District
- Pixley Irrigation District
- Tea Pot Dome Water District
- Vandalia Water District
About Lower Tule River
As one of the largest irrigation districts in the State of California, Lower Tule River’s influence and responsibilities extend far beyond its district boundaries.
The Lower Tule River Irrigation District has always played an active role in local, state and national water issues and it is recognized accordingly. The Lower Tule River Irrigation District has a long history of working with its neighbors in good times and in bad and is known for its progressive nature in all facets of its business.
Facilitated by a five-person board of directors, the Lower Tule River Irrigation District serves Deer Creek, Tule River Authority, Poplar Ditch Company, Pioneer Water Company and large dairy industries within the district. The district covers over 104,000 acres and has over 150 miles of canals and rivers.
The water supply for the Lower Tule River Irrigation District is drawn from 40,000 acre-feet from Tule River: 300,000 acre-feet of the Friant-Kern Canal; and 31,000 acre-feet from Cross Valley Canal.
Lower Tule River Board Members
Lower Tule River 2024 Meeting Agendas
October regular & GSA
September Special
September regular & GSA
September GSA & GPC Joint Special
August regular & GSA
July GSA & GPC Joint Special
July regular & GSA
June regular & GSA
May regular & GSA
April regular & GSA
March regular & GSA
February regular & GSA
January regular & GSA
Archives of Meeting Agendas from past years are available by clicking here.
Lower Tule River 2024 Groundwater Planning Commision Agendas
Lower Tule River 2024 Meeting Minutes
Rules and Regulations
About Pixley
The Pixley Irrigation District has always played an active role in local, state and national water issues and it is recognized accordingly. The Pixley Irrigation District has a long history of working with its neighbors in good times and in bad, and is known for its progressive nature in all facets of its business.
Facilitated by a five-person board of directors, the Pixley Irrigation District serves many landowners and large dairy industries within the district. The district covers over 69,500 acres and has over 67 miles of canals and rivers.
The water supply for the Pixley Irrigation District is drawn from 31,200 acre-feet from the Cross Valley Canal.
Pixley Board Members
Pixley 2024 Meeting Agendas
October regular and GSA
September Special
September regular & GSA
September GSA & GPC Joint Special
August regular & GSA
July GSA & GPC Joint Special
July regular & GSA
June regular & GSA
May regular & GSA
April regular & GSA
March regular & GSA
January regular & GSA
February regular & GSA
Archives of Meeting Agendas from past years are available by clicking here.
Pixley 2024 Groundwater Planning Commission Agendas
Pixley 2024 Meeting Minutes
Rules and Regulations
About Tea Pot Dome
Tea Pot Dome Water District was formed on September 21, 1954. Today, the District serves 3,415.12 acres for irrigating crops, primarily Citrus. Tea Pot Dome Water District has a five person board, elected by division within the District. Board terms are 4 years with elections held on even years. Board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month.
The current water cost for 2022 is $400 per acre foot and the standby assessment is $151.41 per acre payable in one installment, delinquent if paid after June, 20th. Tea Pot Dome Water District is affiliated with several organizations; Deer Creek and Tule River Authority, Association of California Water Agencies – AWA, and ACWA Joint Powers Insurance Authority.
Tea Pot Dome Board Members
Tea Pot Dome 2024 Meeting Agendas
Tea Pot Dome 2024 Meeting Minutes
Rules and Regulations
About Vandalia Water District
Vandalia Water District was formed on August 8, 1954. Today, the Vandalia Water District consists of 3,446.44 assessed and irrigated acres. The primary crops within the Vandalia Water District are Almonds and Pistachios. The District has played an active role in local, state and national water issues, the District is affiliated with organizations such as; Deer Creek and Tule River Authority, Association of California Water Agencies – ACWA, and ACWA Joint Powers Insurance Authority.
The District has a five person board, elected by division within the District. Board terms are 4 years with elections held on even years. Board meetings are on the seconds Wednesday of the month. The 2022 water cost is split between Irrigation and Domestic. Irrigation water cost is $155.00 per acre-foot. Domestic water cost is $52.00 per acre-foot or $22.00 per acre-foot, depending on location.
Vandalia Water District Board Members
Vandalia Water District 2024 Meeting Agendas
Vandalia Water District 2024 Meeting Minutes
Rules and Regulations
Organization & Operation
Employment Opportunities
Download Employment Application by clicking here.
The Lower Tule River & Pixley Irrigation Districts main office is located in Tipton, California, with shop offices in Pixley and Woodville, California as well.
For general questions regarding operations, please e-mail customerservice@ltrid.org.